We Are Searching for a New Location

Common Ground Family and Friends,
We have much to celebrate in our congregation. God's abundant blessings have provided extraordinary resources for leadership, ministries, finances, community, and spiritual guidance throughout the past four challenging years. There were moments when we wondered how we would endure the difficulties and obstacles. The elders and staff recognized that our collective wisdom was insufficient to make all the right decisions, so we leaned into our prayerful dependence on God and our love for the people of this beautiful church. To our amazement, Common Ground Church grew during a global pandemic. We not only survived; God enabled us to thrive. Lord willing, our congregation will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year. Let us enthusiastically honor what God has done, is doing, and will do in Common Ground.
As our capacity has increased over the past two years, so has our need for facility space. For example, ministries currently utilizing the Calvary Parkside campus during the week include Sunday morning worship and Children's Ministry, Sunday afternoon Men's Book Group, Monday Staff Huddles, Tuesday Life Community Groups, and Friday Worship and Tech rehearsals. We also regularly schedule Community Meals, Bible Huddles, Women's Ministry events, and Youth events. Other ministries, like the Hospitality Ministry, are planning events that bless our neighbors and friends, and having adequate facilities is essential for these events to happen.
While we celebrate our growing capacity, we also rejoice with Calvary Parkside, as their congregation is also expanding. Pastor Doug, Pastor James, and their leadership team recognize, as we do, that increased congregational capacity brings additional challenges in managing shared facility space. The costs associated with maintenance, utilities, janitorial services, and so on have risen significantly. Requests for facility usage from all five congregations have also increased. These concerns were addressed with campus pastors during a meeting several months ago.
As a result, Parkside has made two changes to each congregation's annual lease contract:
1. The monthly leasing fee will increase by a minimum of 15%.
2. Facility usage will be limited to Sunday worship and one additional weekday or weeknight.

While these changes make fiscal sense for Parkside, here is the reality for Common Ground:
1. Our congregation has operated at a deficit over the last two years. Though vision blessed us with an unexpected financial gift that filled the gap between our income and expenses, our financial deficit remains.
2. Our congregation's capacity for ministry and outreach is growing!
3. From a stewardship perspective, the elders believe it is unwise for Common Ground to increase our monthly lease payment and simultaneously reduce our access to facilities.
After prayerful consideration of these changes, we have reached a decision. Our 7-year tenure on the Calvary Parkside campus is coming to an end. We will begin searching for a new meeting location that will nurture the incredible work God is doing and will do in our congregation. At this point, we have more questions than answers, but here are three things we can share today:

1. We have a wonderful relationship with Pastor Doug and Calvary Parkside. We have communicated our decision to them. They have generously altered our annual lease to a month-to-month with a 30-day exit notice. We have expressed our gratitude to Pastor Doug for this gesture.
2. The elders and staff will commission a Relocation Team to search for available facilities. We will provide parameters for the search, including our "must-haves," our "wants," and our "wish list." If you are interested in serving on this team, let us know. We want to start the search immediately.
3. While we do not have a specific timeline, we do not wish to prolong our relocation unnecessarily. In principle, six months should be ample time to honor Parkside's expectations and their generous month-to-month lease.

We conclude this announcement in the same spirit we began. God has been faithful. He has provided and sustained us. He is up to something very special at Common Ground, and we praise Him for His abundant resources. Join us as we anticipate God's continued work of gospel presence in Beaverton, Hillsboro, and beyond.

Elder Team
Juan Garcia - juan.garcia.cgc@gmail.com
Joe Lee - josephjlee82@gmail.com
Avery Stafford - cgleadservant@gmail.com

New 2025 Sermon Series

The title "Messiah" signifies the future king and redeemer of the Jews. The Gospel of Mark presents a case for Jesus of Nazareth as God's chosen one, but the people squandered the opportunity due to envy, jealousy, politics, betrayal, and manipulative execution. Of all the monarchs who have ever experienced the glory and burden of the crown, Jesus bore the heaviest crown of all—the one that would take away the sins of the world. Let us prayerfully examine Mark's Gospel to understand why he was convinced that Jesus is the Messiah.

Join Caleb, Juan, and Avery in a new sermon series this Winter/Spring in The Gospel of Mark.

What God Makes New Again

Our new sermon series, "What God Makes New Again," will begin in January 2025. Pastor Avery will deliver three messages starting on January 12. As we enter the new year, many of us set resolutions to improve our lifestyles or develop better habits. Interestingly, many of these resolutions are not new ideas; they often reflect aspirations we've had in previous years when we may have fallen short of our goals.

However, we can trust that God never falls short of His promises. He always completes His work in us, demonstrating His unwavering love and faithfulness. God's perfection allows Him to take what is worn, broken, or defeated and make it brand new again.

Throughout this series, Pastor Avery will guide us through three beautiful Biblical texts that reveal what God makes new again. Join us for this uplifting series and prepare to rejoice in the Lord as we explore "What God Makes New Again."